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101 Best Dog Names that start with the letter I
Are you bringing a new puppy or rescue dog home soon? Haven’t come up with the perfect name yet? Well, we have you covered! We not only have dog’s name ideas for your new furry friend that cover letters of the alphabet but we have dog name ideas that are about aviation to coffee to mountains! 10 Ways to Choose…

Best Dogs for Seniors
There are many breeds of dog available for sale or adoption. People considering becoming dog owners have many choices, and can hand pick a companion based on qualities such as the dog’s personality and the owner’s life needs. Handicapped and elderly individuals have needs differing from other dog owners, and choose the best dog breeds…

Homemade Chicken Bone Broth for Dogs
As pet owners, we always want what’s best for our furry friends. One way to help support their overall health is by incorporating homemade chicken broth into their diet. Chicken bone broth is packed with essential nutrients, amino acids, and health benefits that can aid in easing an upset stomach, soothing a leaky gut, and…

Best Dogs For Hiking and Camping
Before taking your dog hiking and camping, there should be a checklist you need to go through to make the experience pleasant for both of you. This checklist might save you a lot of headache later and may even save your pooch’s life. Do you have a mountain dog or want to get one? A…

Best Dogs for First Time Owners
The decision to own a dog seems like a pretty simple one on the surface, but what breed of dog would be the best for first-time dog owners? You probably already have some preconceived notions of what breeds you like and basic personality traits you want as first-time owners, but there are many factors that…
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A puppy essentials list
Check out all of our favorites for bringing home a new pup or rescue dog. From crates to collars to toys!